Swimming Pool Leak Detection Service

To quote a Liam Neeson movie, It takes a very specific set of skills to be a leak detection specialist. We're a bit like detectives. Asking the right questions. Looking in the right places. Using the right tools. There's a mixture of necessary skill sets and problem solving capabilities involved in leak detection. Almost anyone can pressure test plumbing. But knowing which plumbing to test, and where to look for a specific leak can be challenging. Swimming pool leaks can come from a variety of different places. From the plumbing, the skimmers, the plaster, the plaster surrounding the Jets, the lights and many other places could potentially leak.

Swimming pool leak detection can involve pressurizing the pool plumbing to see if it holds pressure. If it does not hold pressure then there more than likely is a break or crack somewhere in the plumbing. If the plumbing does not hold pressure then we need to find out where it is losing it from. Using expensive and sophisticated equipment we can narrow down the break within a couple of feet of where it is actually leaking at. Leak Detection also involves dye testing. After combing the pool for places it could potentially leak, we use a small amount of dye near the suspected leak. If the dye gets sucked into the area then we know it is a definite leak. Another source of potential leaks can actually be your filter or other equipment as well. We will check your equipment for any signs of leaks and address them as necessary.

Throughout the many years of us doing pool leak detection services we have seen pools lose water from many different sources. Swimming pool leaks cannot always be detected by the traditional methods of leak detection. Sometimes we have to get creative in our problem solving efforts. That is especially where Decades of experience come in handy.

If you think you may have a leak and require Leak Detection services please give us a call for a free no obligation consultation. We offer same day service in many cases and guarantee our work.


(C) 832-471-0781

Pool leaks only when pump is on / running
Pool leak detection Conroe Texas


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